If you recently suffered from Covid, and are on your way to getting fitter, then yoga is the best way to get started at it.
Here's a Covid recovery yoga flow for those who are looking for ways to improve their fitness levels.
Please Note:
The asanas are best practised in the same sequence as listed below;
Hold each of these asanas for 40 sec (or as much as you can) before moving to the next pose;
Repeat the asana cycle 3-5 times in the same sequence.
The Covid recovery asana cycle:
Bhujangasana - snake pose
Janu sirasasana / Mahamudra
Kandarasana (optional)
Cat & Camel (optional)
Repeat the above asanas in the same sequence 3-5 times.
Breathing exercises:
Keep the fingers of 1 hand in vishnu mudra;
Rest the other hand on the knee and maintain Chin mudra;
Inhale through the left nostril, hold, exhale through the right nostril;
Repeat the process by inhaling through the right nostril, and exhaling through the left nostril;
Repeat this set 10-15 times.
Kapalapathi : There are several variations and techniques to this; The most common method is however one in which exhalation is active, while inhalation is passive.
End the session with:
Shavasana (cool down)
As with all forms of exercise, we recommend that you listen to your body while doing these asanas; If you experience discomfort, kindly get in touch with your doctor, or your yoga guide;
The asanas, and breathing exercises are best practiced under the able guidance of a yoga practitioner.